Rehab | Deliverance | Family Restoration
Jesus Is Ministries, Inc. is a 90 day residential drug & alcohol rehabilitation program that has been in operation in the Rural Community of Inglis, Florida since 1979. This ministry takes in adults only from anywhere in the U.S. and accepts people from all denominations and faiths.
At the present time we only have beds for about 60 people at a time, 40 men and 20 women. We have people calling to see if a bed is available constantly. We can only help those who will make a firm commitment to God to remain with us for 90 days and follow the rules, however, those who are serious and make a firm commitment are able to really turn their lives around and experience a new beginning that is characterized by a closer relationship with God, faith, prayer and service to others. Many find they are also the recipients of complete family restoration. If you think you are serious and can make a firm commitment, please read further about our requirements to determine if you can be accepted at this time. Then call us to see if and when a bed will be coming available.
Once you have been accepted into the program, we believe God has brought you here.
You have made a ninety-day commitment to our Heavenly Father to receive all that He has for you.
We will help and encourage you in any way we can to have a closer walk with Him. We are here to help you help yourself.
Prayer and/or counseling are available at all times from members of our staff. You will get out of the program as much as you put into it. If you participate 100%, you will find new purpose and direction for your life. We have a success rate of 85% for those who really want to change their lifestyle, which voluntarily commit themselves and complete the minimum requirement of ninety days. If you truly want to change your lifestyle you will zealously apply yourself and complete the ninety-day commitment.
The eighteen acres of land that God has provided here is “Holy Ground”. We expect you to behave yourself accordingly and to follow all of our rules which have worked successfully for 30 years.

We believe and Jesus taught that “Deliverance” was available to all who are afflicted. Jesus cast out unclean spirits from most who were brought to him for healing. We teach and believe this is available to all who will make Jesus “Lord” of their lives. Our Program offers no set curriculum other than the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
The Word of God is preached to residents and attending visitors at six separate services per week. Prayer is offered after each service and is encouraged as often as needed. Many people have experience Deliverance from afflictions beyond those which were the primary reason that they came to the Ministry to get help. THERE IS HOPE…..Jesus has made a way where there seemed to be no way.
Many people who come through the program at Jesus Is! Ministry have lost the respect and trust of their family members. Family members have been so hurt by the consequences of addiction that it seems almost impossible for them to trust again. However, when they see the miraculous change in the lives of those who are in the program, they can start believing in them again.
It is a beautiful thing to watch as one hopeless situation after another is fully restored and made strong and healthy because of Jesus.