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JESUS IS! Ministries, Inc.

PO Box 1110

Inglis, Florida 34449-1110

(352) 447-2731


last updated 01-09-01


God has set some in the Church, that is, the Body of Christ, to be Pastors, some to be Teachers, some to be Evangelists, some to be Prophets, and others to be Apostles. If the Pastors were equipped and empowered to do it all, none of the other ministries would be necessary. However, God in His great wisdom has set things up so that all of us must depend on the other members of the Body of Christ if we want to have the more abundant life that He has promised us.

The Pastor, as the Shepherd of his flock, can handle almost everything that he is faced with but from time to time he comes across something that is beyond what God has equipped him to handle. If a sheep breaks a leg, the shepherd sets and splints it. If a sheep contracts hoof and mouth disease, he takes him to a veterinarian. The shepherd is not ashamed that he had to take a sheep to the vet, he is so glad there is a vet available to take the sheep to. The Pastor should not be ashamed either. God has set this place here as a veterinary hospital for His sheep. Wouldn't it be nice if the shepherds brought their sheep here rather than letting them die?


JESUS IS! Ministries has been here in Inglis, since April, 1979, Was incorporated in April, 1984. We have been preaching the Gospel, converting the lost, baptizing in The Holy Spirit, healing the sick, and ministering deliverance since the end of April, 1979. We have published a newsletter each month since December, 1984. Our ministry of rehabilitation for the alcoholics, drug addicts, and other defeated individuals began in 1986. We did not plan to start the program, we were simply pushed into it.


Both, Jim and Gloria Adams are called as Prophets of God. In addition, Jim is called as a teacher. We do not have a church, but a ministry. We conduct five meetings each week here at the ministry. There are three to four hundred people who attend our services at irregular intervals. The most we have had at any one meeting has been about seventy adults, while the normal attendance is about sixty. We are not pastors; so when someone fails to attend, we do not go looking for them as a pastor would. We feel that it is God's responsibility to bring those here whom He wants here at any particular time. People are saved, baptized in The Holy Spirit, healed, delivered from bondages and bad character traits, and directed and encouraged to a closer walk with God. Their emotions are healed and families are put back together. All of this takes place because we agree with God and have love and compassion for the down-trodden.

Many of the men and women who have been trained here have gone out, many to other states, and begun their own ministries. These people are operating in the power of The Holy Spirit to meet both, the spiritual, and the physical needs of God's people. We receive phone calls and letters, continually, telling us what God is doing and asking guidance from The Lord.


We answered a call to go to Tarlac, Tarlac, in the Philippines in January, 1996 to train Pastors in the area. We returned to Tarlac , on the island of Luzon, in November of 1996, again to train Pastors. The Lord told me that He would also train me in evangelism on that trip. We also went on to Cagayan De Oro City on the southern-most island of Mindanao. The Lord moved gloriously, saving more than 500 adults plus hundreds of children. God did almost all of the thousands of miracles that were desired of Him. It was truly an awesome time. As a result of those visits, we now have more than thirty Churches in The Philippines who have affiliated themselves with Jesus Is! Ministries. The Pastors of those Churches, plus several evangelists have been ordained through this ministry.

We send support to several of those Churches and desire to send more. We are in regular communication with most of them. They use our teaching tapes and our newsletters as tools in their ministries and in five Bible schools where they are training ministers. A woman in our rehab program was born blind in one eye and God gave her perfect vision in that eye. I put her testimony in the newsletter and a pastor in The Philippines laid the newsletter on the forehead of a man who was also born blind in one eye. That man’s eye was also healed. We serve an awesome God.


Currently, we average twenty two to twenty six persons per day in the Rehab Program. We feed, clothe, house, and provide emergency medical and dental treatment for those that are in need. We minister, through The Holy Spirit, to drug addicts, alcoholics, destroyed lives, destroyed marriages, and defeated and hopeless situations.

The rehabilitation ministry is a very costly out-reach but it is also a very important and necessary one. In February of 2000, we opened the new women’s dormitory. This year we have had a phenomenal increase in our population here at Camp Philagape. We have facilities to accommodate sixteen men and sixteen women. The new dorm has helped but we know that it will fill up completely eventually and we will begin to put people on hold again because there is no bed available.

From the beginning, we have been using the kitchen in my home to prepare all the meals. We feed as many as one hundred people on holidays. They take their food outside to picnic tables to eat. When it is raining, they find whatever shelter they can and many eat standing up while holding their plates in their hands.

We are using a building that I built as a storage building and work shop to house our offices. It has served it’s purpose well since 1984 but falls short today because of our growing pains. As the ministry grows, so does the need for more workers. More workers create a need for more work space.

We are in the planning stage for the construction of a large building to house our kitchen and dining facilities, and in the same building, our new office complex. The building will contain 11,200 square feet. I am still trying to determine how much it will cost. We have about $36,000 in our building fund as of December, 2000, which is probably less than twenty percent of the total cost. I am glad that I don’t have to raise that much money. That is God’s department.



We operate a community closet that has not yet been officially opened because the facilities are not finished. We always have more than 2000 pounds of good used clothing that has been sorted and the bad discarded. We have several pieces of serviceable furniture and appliances. We sell nothing. We have given out many thousands of pounds of clothing and hundreds of pieces of furniture and appliances.

The closet has been opened each Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM since early in 1992, weather permitting.


We have fifty different tapes of our teachings that have been carefully selected from the thousands that we have had to choose from. These tapes are available for an offering of $3.00 each, or twelve for $25.00. They are also available at no charge to the prison systems and to people who are on a fixed, limited income.


We have published and distributed a monthly newsletter, free of charge, for the last 193 months. The mailing list has grown from an initial 67 to more than 1400 addresses. The news-letter consists of a 1 to 2 page teaching by Jim Adams, prophecies, testimonies, news from Camp Philagape (our rehab center), the bulletin board, and tape list. We receive letters each month telling us how much they like the newsletter, and how much it ministers to them.


Our facilities simply are not adequate to meet the needs of those who are here, neither is there room for those that should be here. If you truly desire to support the work of God in His kingdom, this may be just the place that you have been looking for to lay up your treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt and thieves enter not in and steal.

During the last ten years, many men and women have found a new purpose and direction in their lives during their stay here at the ministry. A young man came to us when he was released from jail on probation. He was involved with drugs and alcohol and had criminal charges filed against him. After spending three months here, during which time he was saved, filled with The Holy Spirit, and set free from various addictions, he returned to Rhode Island. At last report he had won 12 to The Lord.

A young woman arrived here the same day, spent the same three months and left the same day as the young man. She also came from the same jail, had criminal charges filed, and was involved in drugs and alcohol. She was also saved, filled with The Holy Spirit, and delivered from various addictions. When she came here she was very cold and hard. She could think of no one but herself. Now, she has been restored to her family, and she has married and settled down. She is a soft, gentle, caring person. What a difference God is making in these people's lives.


We have been trying to expand to meet the ever increasing needs of the ministry, but it takes more money than has been made available to us to really accomplish anything. My wife and I have given our 40 by 60 foot commercial building to the ministry. We have converted a part of it to house men, and the remainder of it has been converted to operate a community closet where families who have fallen on hard times can receive good used clothing and furniture, at no cost, to replace much of what was lost in a fire or other disaster. We feel that the closet has opened doors for ministry in the community that could not otherwise be opened.

We have zoning approval to build a multi-ministry complex. The basic plans have been drawn up so that all that is needed is blue prints and money to begin construction. An interest free loan with no scheduled payments was made available to build a counselors house. The house was completed in December of 1991. All labor to build the house came from the rehabilitation portion of this ministry and from volunteer help. This reduced the project cost considerably. The loan has been paid. We opened our new 16 bedroom women's dormitory in February of 2000 and it is all paid for. We need to have the money available so that we can continue on to the next building in the complex for which we are trying to pull the permits now.

We plan to build one long, narrow building to provide eight efficiency apartments for couples to come and spend time to get their marriage and/or their lives straightened out. One large building, 70 by 160 feet, will be designated for the kitchen and dining facility and the office complex. When I built my home, I built a large living room for the purpose of holding our services there. Once the new men's dormitory is built, the 40 by 60 foot building will be remodeled to become our sanctuary. The sanctuary will be such a blessing to us because, not only can we have our house back to live in, but will have a much larger and better suited area to conduct our services. The only kitchen facility we have at present is my small combination kitchen and dining room. We have not eaten more than 5 or 6 meals at the dining table since the rehabilitation ministry started, because it takes the whole table just to set out the food.

For several years now we have been winning an average of 1 person a day to Jesus, 1 1/2 persons per day are baptized in The Holy Spirit. Much of this has been through our ministry at the jail, and the drug and alcohol abusers and their families. All that God is doing is not being done in the local Church, only part of it. God's work is also being done on the home mission field such as this place. Won't you search your heart and see what God would have you do to help?

The Lord has also pushed us out into the mission field. We made two trips to the Philippines in 1996. The last trip saw 295 adults and many children saved. Also hundreds upon hundreds of miracles were performed by The Lord. We are in the process of incorporating in the Philippines and already have nine ministers on Luzon and about thirty ministers on Mindanao.

We receive very little support from anyone in Inglis, or our sister city, Yankeetown. Most of the $6000.00 to $8000.00 required each month to run this ministry comes from the small congregation that comes in from neighboring towns and communities and through the newsletter. So often, I look at how much God has done with so little, and it amazes me. God has supplied every need we have had for almost 18 years and there is no doubt that He will supply this one. My God will talk to enough of His faithful servants and they will give what He tells them to give. This need will be met and so will all their needs be met.

Everyone likes to quote The Word from Phil. 4:19. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." What about the words preceding the "but"? Look at Phil. 4:13-18. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction. Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Not because I desire a gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God." After these words of praise for having a giving heart, Paul, under the inspiration of The Holy Ghost, asserts that God will meet all their need. This is God's law of giving and receiving.